Please print the application
and fill it out. After you have completed the application,
mail it along with with your $100 deposit to:
University Beach Club
600 W. 28th Street, Suite #102
Austin, Texas 78705
You can also fax the application to (512) 469-0399
If you are unable to print the application, e-mail
us and we'll mail you one.
Legal Last Name: _______________________________________
Legal First Name: _______________________________________
Male Female
Current Phone: (____)___________________
Home Phone: (____)___________________
Current Mailing Address: _______________________________________
Apt./Room#: ________
City: _________________________________ State: ________ Zip Code: _________
University: ______________________________
Credit Billing Address: __________________________________________
City: _________________________________ State: ________ Zip Code: _________
Date of Birth: _______ /_______ / _______
Roommates: 1. ______________ 2. _____________ 3. _____________ 4. ______________
Group Name (if applicable):_______________
Trip Code: First Choice: _______________ Second Choice: _______________
Cancun Hotel: (Please Check One)
First Choice:
Yalmakan Beach Resort/All-Inclusive
Krystal Beach Resort
Calinda America
Second Choice:
Yalmakan Beach Resort/All-Inclusive
Krystal Beach Resort
Calinda America
Acapulco Hotel: (Please Check One)
First Choice:
Continental Emporio/All-Inclusive
Continental Emporio
Casa Inn
Second Choice:
Continental Emporio/All-Inclusive
Continental Emporio
Casa Inn
Los Cabos Hotel:
(Please Check One)
First Choice:
Calinda Beach Resort/All-Inclusive
Plaza Las Glorias Beach
Second Choice:
Calinda Beach Resort/All-Inclusive
Plaza Las Glorias Beach
Puerta Vallarta Hotel: (Please
Check One)
Canto Del Sol
We will make every effort to give you your first hotel choice, but due
to the great demand and
overbooking of Spring Breaks hotel rooms, we may substitute your hotel.
Number of roommates: 4
per room 3 per room 2
per room
Deposit: (Please Check One) Check MC Visa Amex Discover
$100 Deposit per person (Non-refundable, but counts toward balance.)
Credit Card Number: ___________________________
Expires: _______
Card Holder's Name: _____________________________________
I have read the Terms and Conditions and I fully
understand them. Final payment is due on February 4, 2004.
Signature: x_____________________________________ Date: _______________
Make Checks Payable to University Beach Club.
Sales Rep: _______________
[hotels] [package pricing]
[online application]
[printable applications] [make
payment] [terms
and conditions] [extra cash and free trips]
2004 © Excellent Adventures Inc.